The owners of two-star restaurant "
Perbellini" in Isola Rizza (Verona- Italy) think of commission theft. Last night strangers led 2000 precious bottles of wine from the cellar, worth 150 thousand euros. "Unfortunately no one has responded to our appeal," 'says Paola Perbellini, wife of the chef Giancarlo, who seems to have no hopes on the possibility of finding the precious italian wine merchants bottles. Thieves have stolen a fifth of the cellar of the restaurant, which boasts two Michelin stars. "Surely it was a commission theft" explains Paola Perbellini, which states:"or acted by an expert wine gang who knows italian wine merchants labels, or had a list."After the discovery of the theft, which occurred on the day of closing, the Perbellini had started the alarm by involving experts, collectors, and gourmet auction houses, but so far without results. The surveys are conducted by the Carabinieri and they might find useful information through any examination of the cameras positioned in the vicinity of the restaurant, located along the "Transpolesana» Verona Rovigo.
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